Wisdom never kicks at the iron walls it can't break down.

-Olive Schreiner

KOOL Find It Tips!
The World Wide Web offers every type of information you can imagine.   The search is easy.   You need to know how to use search engines and the reasearch tools available to you.   The whole world is on the web.  On top of search engines (of which there are many kinds) you will find a myraid of research tools.   I would like to show you some of the dictionaries, encyclopedias, and KOOL sites you can go to for unique information.   Please scan through the blue boxes to find the descriptions of these tools before starting.   I hope these tools open up the web to you in a new way.    I have bookmarked much of this on a screen name I use for my research and work and you can do the same.
Search Engines:

Search Engine:   A directory with catagorized sites.   Pick a catagory by putting specific descriptive words in parentheses, I.E. "cars and red".   The search engine then looks for sites on its registry with those specific words in it.   Easy huh?

Here are a few of the most popular.

Excite    Alta Vista    Infoseek
Yahoo    Lycos    HotBot
Meta Search Engines:

Meta Search Engine:   A directory that searches more than one search engine at a time.   Meta search engines usually search 4 to 6 of the most popular search engines at once.   KOOL huh?

Here are a few of the most popular.

Mamma    Metacrawler    All4one
Dogpile    Internet Sleuth    Northern Light
Reference Library:

Encyclopedias & Dictionaries

Encyclopedia  World Facts Encarta
Info. Please  Research It Virtual Library
Writing Tools:

Bibliomania  Net LibraryProject Gutenberg
Bartlett's Quotes  Bio Dictionary
A Very KOOL Site:

Basic Tools:

Maps On Us  Yellow PagesUS Zip Codes
Shopping Online:
Amazon  Bottom Dollar Priceline
Ebay Auction  eToys Inc. Ticket Master
Learn About E-mail:
Everything EM  Beginner EM Effective EM
Learn About Scams and Preditors:
Fraud Info.  Scambusters Net Hoaxes